This is a Mexican bath tub…
You rent it out for an hour, and then well anybody in the village can follow you after.
This water is super clear and HOT AF
(it’s filled with a continuous flow of water from a natural hot springs)
This is the the NORMAL for the people who live here…
Two years ago when I did this for the first time, I thought it was so weird. I couldn’t believe people did this…
I love my hot shower at home
where I can just stand and think the whole day away…
(I thought everybody showered the same way)
The people here LOVE this little bathroom.
Most consider it the best part of the day.
If I’ve learned one thing in this life from all my entrepreneur adventures and from all my travels around the world…
It’s that “The way we see the world is wrong. The “reality” in which we think is real is not real”…
And this is the exact reason most people don’t win in their relationships, their friendships, their marriages, the business, their bank accounts…
Their assumptions on how the world works is wrong…
Their assumptions of what others want are wrong…
Their perspective is wrong…
So if you take anything from this post take this one thing!
Always ask WHY!
(Fook everybody who says else wise)
Why does this work?
Why do people buy that?
Why do people say that?
Why do people feel that?
Why do others believe that?
Why why why why why why why why why!!!!!
Always question your reality because it’s not actually real.